Content authored by

Carlos Chou

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Chief Commercial Officer

Carlos is an enterprise technology executive with consistent sustained record creating shareholder value, profitable growth and highest levels of customer satisfaction. Carlos has held leadership roles with some of the most iconic companies and founders including Oracle, SAP, Workday, HP and more.

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Why CEOs Need to Get Strategic About Fundraising

The tech sector has been facing some choppy water in recent months. Global VC investment plummeted putting even the sturdiest software startups under huge financial strain. Which companies withstand that pressure and survive the funding drought will depend almost entirely on strategic decisions made at an executive level.

Carlos Chou
June 13, 2023

Revenue-Based Financing: A Powerful Tool for CEOs

Revenue-Based Financing is an innovative way to secure funding while simultaneously mitigating risk and maintaining control. As a leader, embracing RBF demonstrates your commitment to exploring diverse funding options and encourages your team to think creatively about how to tackle financial challenges.

Carlos Chou
May 19, 2023

Why Cash is King for Today’s SaaS Vendors – How To Extend Your Runway

It’s a tough time to be in the software business. That’s partly because investors aren’t opening their wallets quite as readily as they used to. But things aren’t just hard because investors are feeling a bit jittery.

Carlos Chou
July 14, 2022

How to Eliminate Sticker Shock for Periodic, Consumption, or Metered SaaS Pricing

Usage-based SaaS pricing is all the rage — but while customers love the idea of only paying for the cloud services they actually consume, that can all too easily turn into sticker shock when customers get their first bill and realize they used more than they’d anticipated. That’s a real problem for SaaS companies.

Carlos Chou
June 21, 2022